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EP2C Energy

We proudly believe that EP2C Energy’s excellent services distinguish us from the competition.

EP2C Energy

We proudly believe that EP2C Energy’s excellent services distinguish us from the competition.

EP2C Energy

We proudly believe that EP2C Energy’s excellent services distinguish us from the competition.

Excellent services

EP2C Energy – Trusted expertise on over 50 countries

Trusted Expertise

EP2C Energy has operational experience in over 50 countries and our global reach is continually increasing.
Our expertise meets client expectations at every project phase from R&D to project management and operations.

Our strategy is to add value to our clients’ operations by meeting their requirements and exceeding their expectations in the quality of service we provide. We achieve this through the development and maintenance of long-term relationships with our clients.

EP2C Energy’s strategy is based on providing excellent services to both clients and employees. Our success depends on how effectively we conduct our core business: finding, selecting and supervising the right specialists for our clients.


The quality of our services management is crucial.
Elements such as Oil & Gas-specific knowledge, proactive interest in the business of our customers and transparent communication are the cornerstones on which we build long-term relationships with our clients and our specialists.

We aim to provide a high level of customer service at all times. All feedback on our service is recorded and given prompt consideration.

We are also holder of the ISO 9001 standard since 2017.

EP2C Energy – Quality of services
EP2C Energy – Fair treatment for all

Relations with our employees

As a services company, our people are key to the success of our business. We respect and value the individuality and diversity that every employee brings to the business and seek to create a positive, open, working environment wherever we operate.

  • We are committed to basing relations with our employees on respect for the dignity of the individual and fair treatment for all.
  • We aim to recruit and promote employees on the basis of their suitability for the job, without discrimination.
  • We aim to foster effective communication to enable all our employees to perform their work effectively.

This will include encouraging and helping employees to develop relevant skills to progress their careers.

In accordance with the “Avenir Professionnel” law of 05 September 2018, all companies with more than 50 employees must publish their Women / Men professional equality index.
EP2C ENERGY has achieved an overall score of 67 points for its gender equality index for the year 2024 under the 2023 data. Although this score is high, EP2C ENERGY is willing to take some measures in order to constantly improve it.

– Indicator 1: Gender pay gap (40 points) :
EP2C ENERGY obtained a score of 17 points out of 40.
With regards to the Engineering profession, there is a shortage of women in these professions, which creates an imbalance. The pay gap results from the fact that men and women are not present in the same business sub-fields. Many women are represented in support functions, while only few in the Operations and Sales functions – which are the highest paid.
Progress objectives:
– Guarantee equal pay upon hiring for the same position and the same assignment for Consultants, with equivalent degrees and professional experience.
– During the annual increase campaign, communicate the legal obligations relating to equal pay and the company’s commitments on this subject.
– Ensure that there is no differential treatment between men and women.
– Implementation of a professional interview on Eurecia in the event of return from maternity leave, long-term illness, etc.

– Indicator n°5: gender diversity within the 10 highest paid employees (10 points)
EP2C ENERGY obtained a score of 0 point.
Progress Objectives:
– Ensure gender diversity in the internal and external sourcing of Sales and Operational (consultants) positions.
– Promote actions to retain women within Sales and Consultants positions
– Number of female candidates identified and shortlisted during the sourcing of these positions.

Health & Safety Executive

EP2C Energy recognizes the importance in planning the Health and Safety of a project at the earliest possible stage, in order to avoid injuries and accident during the life of the project.

The EP2C Energy Health, Safety, & Environment (HSE) Management System is a comprehensive program for managing Health & Safety in all aspects of EP2C Energy’s operations. The HSE Management System is in place for the purpose of ensuring:

  • All work practices and processes so that our employees are protected.
  • The safety of client personnel and other contractor colleagues.
  • Employee compliance and that of EP2C Energy, with laws and regulations.
  • Smooth and safe operations.
EP2C Energy – HSE Management System